In a bid to achieve universal access to clean energy by 2030 the Government of Malawi through the Ministry of Energy is undertaking a number of interventions. One of which is the supplying of electricity in hard to reach as well as areas that are far away from the grid through mini-grids

The Ministry supported the development of three mini-grids–Chipopoma Power Sitolo Minigrid, and Mulanje Electricity Generation Agency with funding from United Nations Developmental Programmes (UNDP) and GEF. UNDP through Increasing Access to Clean and Decentralized Energy Services (IACADES) which was Implemented from 2015 to 2019. Another UNDP funded project known as Access to Clean and Renewable Energy (ACRE) has also supported the studies of Chisi Island Zomba, Mwansambe in Ntcheu and Manolo/Malidadi Mzimba with the aim of developing mini-grids in these areas. The studies were completed however the project is supporting the construction of Chisi Island mini-grid and is currently underway with an EPC contractor on Site. The project is also supporting the upgrading of Kasangazi mini-grid. The Ministry intends to construct three mini-grids through Malawi Rural Electrification programme (MAREP) in Gumulira in Mchinji, Usingini in Nkhatabay and Upgrading of Kasangazi mini-grid in Mzimba. The Ministry with funding from the World Bank under Malawi Electricity Access Project (MEAP) has done feasibility studies for 10 potential mini-grids across the country. The Ministry Intends to tender the sites out to the private sector for development.
The Ministry of Energy in Malawi has been implementing various initiatives aimed at extending the national grid to rural areas to achieve universal electrification by 2030, in line with the National Energy Policy. One such initiative is the Malawi Rural Electrification Programme, which seeks to extend the grid network to rural areas. Provision of grid extension services have proven to improve access to electricity, which is essential for improving living standards, promoting economic growth, and reducing poverty in rural communities. Electricity has transformed rural communities by powering essential services such as healthcare facilities, schools, and water pumping systems, which has significantly improved the quality of life. It is evident that extending the grid to rural areas helps to bridge the urban-rural divide by providing rural communities with the same opportunities and services as urban areas. This also contributes to the reduction of rural-urban migration, easing the pressure on urban infrastructure and services.
The Department of Energy Affairs (DoEA) with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is implementing the Access to Clean and Renewable Energy (ACRE) project for a period of four years (from 2020 to 2023). This project is a successor to the Increasing Access to Clean and Affordable Decentralized Energy Services (IACADES) project which was aimed at increasing access to energy in selected remote, rural areas in Malawi by promoting innovative, community-based mini-grid applications in cooperation with the private sector and civil society which concluded in December 2019. The goal of the ACRE Project is to increase access to clean, affordable, reliable, and modern energy by enhancing the sustainability, efficiency and cost- effectiveness of energy technologies
Specifically, the projects objectives are;
  1. Developing and strengthening clean energy mini-grids that promote productive uses of energy for rural economic transformation.
  2. Accelerating and de-risking the clean energy transition in the country.
  3. Promoting private sector participation in renewable energy deployment in the health and social sectors.
  4. Enhancing power sector coordination, building institutional capacity and conducting research and development
By the end of the project, the Department expects to achieve the following;
  1. Expanded generation capacity through scale-up of clean energy mini-grids targeting productive users in rural areas.
  2. De-risked financial investments on clean and renewable energy technologies through innovative financing
  3. Improved access to renewable energy in health sector through implementation of GoM “Power for Health” Master Plan; and,
  4. Strengthened institutional capability for effective renewable energy sector coordination, improved energy efficiency, research and development
Through the project, the Department will also promote the use of alternative energy sources and technologies for cooking specifically Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), Biogas, sustainable charcoal and briquettes for rural, peri-urban and urban areas in the country. In addition, through the project the Department will facilitate the development of streamlined regulations for the LPG supply chains