JCM Capital at Nanjoka, Salima
JCM Matswani Solar Corporation, an Independent Power Producer is constructing grid-connected solar photovoltaic power plants in Salima and Dedza districts. The PPAs for both sites were signed in September, 2018. In Salima district, the power plant is located in Kalonga Traditional Authority on a 168Hactres of land and the plant will have a capacity of 60Mw. A new 132Kv transmission line will be constructed to evacuate the power to Nanjoka substation. The IPP will also upgrade Nanjoka substation to make it suitable for receiving the solar power Currently, installation of solar panels, low voltage transformers and main transformers is underway. Construction works were expected to be completed by July 2020. However, the construction progress has faced a lot of challenges major one being the Covid-19 pandemic which affected resources mobilization and the completion date has been shifted to 1 April 2021. In Dedza, the plant is located at Golomoti which is expected to have a capacity of 40MW which will be connected to Golomoti substation and is expected to come online 4 months after completion of the Salima Plant.
Voltalia is an Independent Power Producer who intends to develop a 20MW from solar PV near in Lilongwe at Kanengo. Progress on the project has lagged due to land issues which are yet to be sorted out. The power from this plant is expected to be fed into ESCOM network via Kanengo substation and power purchase agreement negotiations were concluded already.
Phanes Solar is an IPP which is developing a 46MW grid-connected solar PV plant in Nkhotakota district. Both PPA and IA have already been signed and construction works are now underway and is expected to be completed in March, 2021
The Government of Malawi conducted wind measurements and a prefeasibility study for wind power generation at Lunjika in Mzimba district. The study showed that the wind farm layout consisting of 29 V126, 3.6MW turbines and a hub height of 117meters could be designed with a total capacity of 104 MW and the annual energy (AEP) production of 510GWh/y.The total investment cost is estimated at EUR202.3 million and the project is expected to be developed by the private investor. This project is one of the initiatives by the Government to diversify power generation sources away from hydropower while at the same time increasing the share of renewables in the country’s energy mix. Apart from the Mzimba wind site, the Government of Malawi also conducted st