MEGA is one of the institutions operating a mini-grid in Malawi situated in Mulanje at Bondo area. It started its operations in 2011 with 60 kW hydro power plant by the community with assistance from practical action. Currently it has 3 power plants, two with 60 MW and one with 100 kW, making the grid to have 220 kW. With this power it has managed to power 11 villages and it plans to power 10 more villages. As of now MEGA has over 1100 customers.
The Ministry of Energy Affairs through Increasing Access to Clean and Affordable Decentralized Energy Services project with funding from UNDP and GEF and the Scottish Government have been providing support to the scheme. The support has been going to grid extension, implementation of the 100-kW power plant and capacity building. With the support from DOE and the Scottish Government MEGA has managed to power 402 households, 3 schools, 24 teacher houses, planted 200,756 trees, provided loans to 40 businesses, trained 18 extension workers and 886 farmers in the area.
MEGA has been the first Mini grid to be operated by a non-public entity and more information can be found on Sitolo, Kavuzi and Usingini are a replication of MEGA. While technically the institution is able to generate 220kW, it is still grappling with setting a mechanism that can make the mini-grid sustainable. Currently the mini grid is developing a business model for sustainability.